Dr. Björn Rau

Dr. Björn Rau is Deputy Director of PVcomB, the Photovoltaics Competence Center Berlin at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. After completing his doctorate at Humboldt University, the physicist worked on the development of innovative thin-film solar cells at HZB. Since 2009, as Head of Technology, he has been responsible for the development and operation of the scientific and technical infrastructure of the PVcomB. The focus here is on application-oriented research and industrial cooperation. One focal point of his work is building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). As co-initiator and head of BAIP, he sees himself as a mediator between the world of photovoltaics and that of construction. He is also a board member of the "Allianz BIPV" and a member of the expert group of the "BIPV Working Group of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV)".

Samira Jama Aden

Samira Jama Aden is an architect and works at the interface of architecture, art and new technologies. She studied at the University of Aachen (B.A. Architecture) and at the University of Kassel (M.Sc. Architecture Design Research). As an architect, she developed innovative, multifunctional building materials for architecture and construction. In parallel, she researched and taught at the research platform "Bau Kunst Erfinden" at the University of Kassel and the ARC Australia Center of Excellence in Exciton Science (Melbourne, Australia) on the solar activation of building materials. In her work, she combines the principles of renewable energies, architecture and material design with the aesthetic requirements of future buildings. She is an associate member of the research platform "Bau Kunst Erfinden" at the University of Kassel. As an expert in design research and innovative materials, she is responsible for individual consultation and further training at BAIP.

Thorsten Kühn

Thorsten Kühn is an experienced architect and energy expert in construction with a focus on building construction. He has implemented sustainable construction projects in Switzerland for over 10 years, including at Beat Kämpfen's office in Zurich. His tasks there included the integration of photovoltaic and thermal systems as well as energy and ecological certification of buildings. Further he worked on the implementation of innovative building energy concepts and buildings in timber construction. He is a member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects and studied at the TU Berlin and the FHNW in Switzerland. As an expert in fire safety and construction, he is responsible for individual consulting and further training at BAIP.

Niklas Albinius

Niklas Albinius is a scientist specializing in photovoltaics and sustainable construction. He studied renewable energies at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (M.Sc. Regenerative Energies). One focal point of his work is the successful integration of photovoltaics in the refurbishment of listed buildings. The focus of his work is on yield simulations for individual BIPV projects. In addition, he is involved in the monitoring and scientific data analysis of the PV facade of the HZB Living Lab for building-integrated photovoltaics. As an expert for yield simulations and monument protection, he is responsible for individual consulting and further training at BAIP.

Dr. Markus Sauerborn

Dr. Markus Sauerborn is a member of HZB's management staff, where he coordinates the transfer of knowledge to society, among other things. The chemist has more than 15 years of experience in science communication and science management at HZB. As co-initiator of the BAIP, he wants to open up spaces where the building world and research can meet so that photovoltaics can become a normal part of people's everyday lives and thus contribute to a sustainable energy supply.

Photos: Katja Bilo